A Useful Guide to Weekly Vehicle Checks

These simple weekly checks can avoid unnecessary breakdowns and save you ££££!

The POWDER Checklist

    1. Ensure that you have sufficient fuel (petrol or diesel) or charge for your intended journey.
  2. OIL.  There are various oil and fluid reservoirs, and they all need checking regularly.  Check yours and if you are not sure about which is fitted to your vehicle you should consult the handbook.  (Note that not everything is applicable for all vehicles)

Brake fluid / Clutch fluid /Engine oil / Gearbox oil /Power steering fluid

  1. WATER.  There are various water reservoirs, and they all need checking regularly.  If you are not sure about which is fitted you should consult the vehicle handbook.

Engine coolant / Screen washer. (It is illegal to have an empty screen wash reservoir – attracting a fixed penalty notice) / Battery (if applicable).  If sealed, check the electrolyte indicator for correct colour (usually green).

  1. DAMAGE.  A quick visual check of the fundamentals is important:

Wheels for damage / Tyres for slits, bulges, nails, screws, stones and punctures / Lamps and reflector covers for breakage /Mirrors for breakage.


Exterior lights working / Interior warning lights all working / Horn working.

  1. RUBBER.

Tyre pressures and tyre tread depth including the spareTyres must have a tread depth of at least 1.6mm across the central three-quarters of the breadth of the tread and around the entire circumference.

Wind screen wiper blades and their carriers.  Blades for nicks and tears – carriers for slackness in the blade spine / Water hoses under the bonnet / Pedal rubbers.  Are they worn smooth?  Are they missing?

Why not put a reminder in your calendar?