TVGAM is accredited with highest status for an IAMRoadsmart Group
At a Group Audit meeting on 4th May, our Area Service Delivery Manager accorded TVGAM the distinction of ‘High Performing Group’, up from ‘Commended’ that was awarded in July 2020.
The Committee, Observers and Associates have worked extremely hard to reach this pinnacle – and the Committee wants to publicly credit their achievements. Our training programmes have been comprehensively reviewed and updated, systems for Associate and Observer development enriched and enhanced, our new website has been praised, and we have progressed with our partnership programmes. The core Committee has been supplemented by external recruitment to bring in skills that are not readily available within the membership.
Our ASDM says:
“It was great to spend time with you and the team last night whilst looking at the improvements that you have all made in the day-to-day operation of TVGAM.
I can confirm that TVGAM is a ‘High Performing’ group, and I will update our records to show this. This recommendation is wholly deserved as you and the team have used the original audit to focus on those areas of operation that needed changing, to be upgraded and developed into the ‘model’ systems which you now employ. In addition, your innovative approach in identifying solutions for finding skilled volunteers outside of TVGAM, has given the group an excellent new website and inviting and regularly updated social media, which should all gain great interest and bring in new members”.